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Saturday, November 5, 2022
The 231st Annual Meeting of the American Baptist Churches of Metropolitan New York: its predecessor organizations, and the Annual Business Meetings of the Baptist Fresh Air Home Society and the Metropolitan Baptist Camps will take place on Saturday, November 5, 2022. The 2022 year-long theme, Uncovering Joy, is supported by many biblical texts. We will draw primarily from Philippians 4 for our 231st Annual Meeting.
For the first time since our 2019 Annual Meeting, we are planning to meet “in-person” in a face-to-face gathering. The 231st Annual Meeting will be more concise this year, yet we pray it will be filled with the Holy Spirit, as we gather as a community, Saturday, November 5, 2022 from 9:00 – 11:30 AM. Due to some security concerns, we will disclose the site of our centrally located meeting after you have registered. You will hear about precautions we are taking around the meeting: we hope that this notice will encourage, rather than dissuade, your attendance at the 231st ABCMNY Annual Meeting. To accommodate our security needs, our meeting will be restricted to delegates and guests authorized by ABCMNY.
We ache to see you again in person, and are looking forward the blessing of being together side by side. Online viewing options are being planned for those who cannot join us. We are grateful to God and to this fellowship of American Baptists in the New York metropolitan area!
Overview of the Annual Meeting
Will begin, Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 9:00 AM. The session will include our ABCMNY Business Meeting, music, time of worship, inspiration, and community conversation.
Delegates will need to register for the business session in compliance with ABCMNY By-Laws and NY State laws for annual meetings of non-profit organizations. Delegates come to the Annual Meetings as representatives from their church and are entitled to vote in the business meetings. Please refer to the email and mail sent to your church to see how many delegates your church is allotted.
Registration for Member Churches
Registration will happen primarily online this year. This will enable you to submit the names of your delegates and a donation (or mission gift) of $25 per person; this contribution will help ABCMNY sustain our shared mission and ministries.
We strongly encourage online registration. NOTE: Prior to beginning online registration, you will need to:
know the church’s PIN number, provided at the top of the email and mail sent to your church.
know the password to access the registration page, also provided within the email and mail sent to your church
Are you wondering to whom or where the email and mail was sent? Check this list. If you’d like to update the main email address or mailing address for your church, please contact Geronimo at
You will have the option of mailing a check. If online registration proves to be too challenging, we will assist you in completing the registration process for your church. Please contact or call Geronimo at 415 841 3220 if this is the case.
We very much look forward to this time of being together again. We look for God’s blessings as we Uncover Joy by being together once again. Please be in prayer for our meeting, network of churches, organization, and our collective mission.
Kindly direct all registration questions and concerns to