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Spring Rally 2019 Logo-2.png

Saturday, May 4, 2019 // Thessalonia Worship Center, The Bronx


Registration and Payment Practice

Your registration contribution includes continental breakfast and lunch.

Early Bird

Contribution: $30
Deadline for names and workshop selections: Friday, April 26, 2019
Payment received by: Friday, April 26, 2019

Senior Pastor Early Bird Discount: As part of the Early Bird discount, churches who register at least five participants can, in addition, register their Senior Pastor at no charge.

If names and workshop selections are received by April 26, but remain unpaid after April 26, they are considered regular registrations (see below) and charged as such.

Regular Registration

Begins: April 27
Contribution: $40


Contribution: $15

Cancellations & Refunds

Cancellations must be received by phone (212 870 3227) or email ( by April 26 for a refund; no refunds will be issued after this date. After April 26, all registrations must be honored and therefore payment will be due.

Payment Options

Credit/debit card, check, cash