An ABCMNY Statement Against Expressions of Racially Motivated Violence

The following statement is an outgrowth and co-creation of an ABCMNY Ministers Group, an informal community of regular and occasional participants, who have gathered weekly since the pandemic began in the Spring of 2020, for support, collaboration, and to discuss a variety of timely topics.

An ABCMNY Statement Against Expressions of Racially Motivated Violence
April 11, 2021

The American Baptist Churches of Metropolitan New York (ABCMNY) stands in solidarity with Asian-Pacific persons and communities, recently targeted and subject to senseless and vicious physical and verbal attacks, motivated by hatred, caused by ignorance, or mental illness.

As people of the Word,[i] we are compelled to love God with all of who we are and our neighbor as ourselves.[ii] Remembering, too, the words of Jesus, “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.[iii]

We also know the impact of words that humans use in relation to each other. Words have the power to heal, support, exhort, comfort and assure. In contrast, silence in response to violence experienced contributes to the injustice ones who have been harmed. We cannot remain mute. With strong words, we denounce and censure expressions of racially motivated violence against our neighbors, and seek ways to protect and honor our neighbor brothers and sisters as we would protect and honor ourselves.

Words alone, however, are often not enough. We therefore call on ABCMNY members and churches, motivated by their understanding of the Gospel, to actively honor the rich diverse culture of our City, its surroundings communities, and our nation as a whole. We beseech our members and friends to attend to expressions of racially motivated violence, by:

·      Remembering the words of Martin Niemoller, and speaking out;[iv]

·      Prudently de-escalating violence if witnessed when it occurs,

·      Providing support and care for those who have been physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually wounded.

The American Baptist Churches of Metropolitan New York is a richly diverse community of 180+ churches, comprised of persons who have been historically, and continue to be, subject to racial vitriol and other forms of discrimination or attack. We therefore stand in solidarity with one another. In so doing, we affirm the blessing of our multi-diverse community. To not do so, would be akin to shutting the door after witnessing an assault of neighbor.

The ABCMNY vision statement expresses, “we seek to grow deeper in inclusion, greater in connection and glorify God in all things.” Toward this vison, as an outgrowth of our 2020 year of Grace-filled Conversations on Race, the ABCMNY Public Mission Committee has identified and developed resources to assist our members and friends respond meaningfully to manifestations of racism, internalized oppression, and supremacist conditioning that keep the cycles of racism turning. A time of engagement will endeavor to happen May 19 to June 19, 2021. Please keep an eye out for additional information in the weeks to come.

[i] The Word meaning, Hebrew and New testament scripture, holy writing, and John 1:1-5

[ii] Matthew 22:39; Mark 12:31

[iii] Matthew 7:12

[iv] Supporting quote attributed to Martin Niemoller.  “First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist. Then they for the Jews, and I did not speak out -because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.”