If one suffers, ever part suffers with it; if one part is honored,
every part rejoices with it (I Corinthians 12:26)
Dear Friends,
The newspaper has reported that a lifeline in Haiti now lies in ruins. This lifeline are the churches across Haiti’s southern peninsula whose edifices were destroyed by an earthquake on August 14.
The 7.2-magnitude earthquake that shattered parts of Haiti Saturday morning has, according to the report as I finish this letter, caused the deaths of nearly 2,000 persons; thousands more have been injured. The consistently traumatized island of Haiti, still reeling from the recent assassination of their President, is stressed beyond our capacity to comprehend. Multitudes have now sought refuge in Port au Prince or other “safer”, less damaged areas. Alarmingly few physicians are available in Haiti, and medical supplies are woefully inadequate. Members of our trusted partner, the Baptist Convention of Haiti (CBH), will be traveling this week to southwestern Haiti to help support local churches and provide relief in the community.
As we know, the church becomes manifest most clearly in its people rather than bricks and mortar. As church buildings have provided refuge for those without shelter, the people provide a refuge; the continuing witness of the church continues to be important. We cannot grow weary in well doing. Our hearts and prayers must continue with the people of Haiti.
Here are some ways you can help:
Pray. Our brothers and sisters in Haiti have urgent needs. Pray for the citizens and residents of Haiti, as well as our mission partners who are working to coordinate immediate responses to the earthquake. Pray for the churches, pastors, lay leaders, and missionaries ministering in Haiti. May God in God’s mercy hear our prayers, and motivate us to tend to the wounds of the people.
Advocate for USAID relief to be judiciously and speedily sent to Haiti, demonstrating our country’s historic commitment to helping the most vulnerable particularly in times of crisis, so that the coordinated responses of the diverse humanitarian and faith-based organizations that are working in Haiti might be strengthened.
Demonstrate American Baptist caring with financial gifts to the “One Great Hour of Sharing Offering” (indicate: “OGHS - Haiti earthquake response” in a note with your gift).
Send your gifts c/o ABCMNY at 475 Riverside Drive, Ste. 432, New York, NY 10115, indicate One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) in the memo line. These gifts will be forwarded to our partners right away.
You may all give to this relief effort on our website: give online
Or consider giving to our mission partner, the Haitian Hospital that ABCMNY helped establish. The hospital is working safely and actively with authorities to determine how they might best help. Some may remember that the Baptist Convention of Haiti, with the support of HHA, and ABC-USA—specifically ABCMNY, were heavily involved in responding to the 2010 earthquake, starting a spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation unit to care for persons left completely or partially paralyzed from the disaster. Gifts directed in this way will strengthen their medical care and help them to respond better to those affected by the earthquake. Indicate “Haitian Hospital” on these gifts by check or online.
Your financial gifts will help purchase, transport, and distribute relief items and medical supplies. This will be a long haul recovery process; several phases are being projected for rebuilding. Thank you for your spiritual, civic, and monetary responses to this desperate need. We assure you that your gifts will be stewarded well; all of it will be sent to trusted mission partners working in Haiti. No dollars will be retained for administrative costs.
Please also consider sending a separately designated gift to help keep the home fires burning in ABCMNY. Thank you for your continuing mission partnership.
Toward Living Water,
Rev. Dr. Cheryl F. Dudley
Regional Executive Minister
Rev. Dr Campbell B. Singleton, III
Associate Executive Minister